St James'



East Yorkshire

St James'

is a church where

Jesus is central,

the Bible is our guide

and every person

is important


to our Medieval Parish Church + consecrated in AD1359

There is always a

Warm Welcome to

Our Sunday Worship

Come and join in

on Sundays at 10am

Vacancy at St James

The Revd Gloria Naylor led her last Service

as vicar of St James

on Sunday 11 February 2024.

St James is now in vacancy. (Interregnum)

Gloria's last service was well attended by members of the congregation, and the local community. Our group Curate, the Revd Eileen Connolly, presided at Holy Communion.

The service became emotional when our Community Choir sang two adapted farewell songs for our vicar, who has been with us over seven years, and has served us well.

After the service we gathered in the Church Hall for refreshments, goodbye speeches, and to give her gifts.

The Rev'd Gloria Naylor leaves us to become the 40th Master of Charterhouse, Hull, and will become the first female Master.

Before she left, Gloria visited groups who meet on our site, and wrote to the congregation and the community saying:

“I have been the vicar of St James Church since October 2016. Since my time here, I have felt welcomed by the community and well supported by the congregation. I am writing to say how much I have enjoyed ministering among you. It has been a real privilege serving you as your vicar, and I leave with lots of fond memories.” (by the Rev'd Gloria Naylor)

There are plans in place to appoint another priest, but this will take some time. We still have Sunday services, led by visiting Ministers, so please do continue to join our worship services.

St James' Churchwardens

25th February  2024

All the team at St James'

invite you to join us for

Sunday Worship at 10am

on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays

of each month

for Holy Communion.

The Fourth Sunday of each month

will be a Family Service.

updated 14 February 2024



May we continue to pray for God’s strength

and protection using the words of our new Archbishop, The Most Revd Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York,

who blessed us during his Consecration service

on Thursday 9 July 2020.

May the love of our good and

generous God guide and protect us;
may the hope of the gospel

sustain us and bring us joy;
when we are lost or lonely,

when the road ahead seems hard,
or when the darkness gathers,
may the light and peace

of Christ be ours.

* * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * *

Our vicar is:  unappointed

Enquiries are to the Churchwardens


Tel: 01482 783 143

Our Church office is presently closed 

(The Church Office had previously opened

Monday from 11am to 1pm,

and Wednesday & Friday

between 10am and 12-noon).

Tel: 01482 703182 +


There is a great deal of information, links to organisations

and full policy details, in the large blue box just

a little further below along with further

Church Office details, contacts, etc.

There are several more photos below,

on either side of these central notice boxes,

if you scroll down for them.

It would be advisable for Family Historians looking for graveyard information to scroll much further down this page,

to where there may be some useful information for you.

There is absolutely no point in contacting the vicar/church office

re historical grave information, for they hold none.

The historic marriage and deaths records were removed

to the Treasure House at Beverley a long time ago.

You would be far better to consult the

Sutton & Wawne Museum who do have a

graveyard map and some photos;

links to their website are further below.

St James was a fisherman, signified by this scallop shell

This is our Front Door  -

you are most welcome

to come in and see us.

Perhaps you're new

to the district and

would like to join us.

You are most welcome.

The Church Office

Revd Gloria Naylor

our most recent vicar

from 2016 to 2024

photo: Alan Thurloe

Old St James School Museum

& Family History


The Church Office

(currently closed)

in front of

The Old School

photo: Alan Thurloe

The Grade I church of St James - 1349 -- click to enlarge

The Wedding Green

Armistice Centenary 2018  ~  taken on 12 Nov 2018

Sutton War Memorial

Sutton on Hull

War Memorial

1914 ~ 1919


1939 ~ 1945

photo 12 Nov 2018

A new Memorial Stone

to the 14 men of Sutton parish who died in the Second World War

was unveiled on

11 November 2022

The Sutton & Wawne Website carries all the memorial information of all the war dead of Sutton, Wawne, Stoneferry, Wilmington and St Mark's

of both world wars,

and a great deal more.

New WWII Memorial Stone to 14 Sutton men who never returned home


Little Saints

Baby and Toddler Group


9.30am to 11am

Community Sale

Our pop-up charity shop and café

opens every Tuesday

inside the Church Hall

We open at 10am

with lunch served at 12.15pm.

Everyone is welcome.


Sutton on Hull Ladies Group

a raffle and a cuppa with biscuits

We meet 1st Wednesday of every month

in St James' Village Hall

We have a speaker at every meeting

a raffle and a cuppa with biscuits

Everyone is welcome.

The Sutton & Wawne Museum

Open every Friday from 10am to 2pm

inside the old St James CofE School.

The tearoom was opened as a Chatty Café

by the High Sheriff of the East Riding,

Jacky Bowes, on 4 August 2022.


You too can help combat social isolation and

loneliness by volunteering your time

at our Chatty Café on Fridays.

Sutton & Wawne Museum also have a

graveyard map and some photos;

links to their website are further below.

St James' Church in Sutton village was built in 1349, one of the first English churches to be built of local brick as well as stone, on the site of a former chapel that was a chapelry to the even older St Peter's at Wawne.

Hence the very close family association between our two villages.

Now well over 670 years old, and Grade I listed by Historic England, our beautiful church is full of atmosphere as well as history.

The churchyard contains 14 CWGC War Graves, and 5 private War Graves.

St James', Sutton in Holderness c.1904


1st - 2nd & 3rd Sunday

10.00 a.m.

Holy Communion

4th Sunday

10.00 a.m.

Family Service





whilst we await the

appointment of a new vicar

Church Office  Tel: 01482 703182

postcode :    HU7 4TL

w3w : wide.sofly.hears

If you would like to contact us,

you can do so at:-


Tel: 01482 783143 (Rectory)

If your enquiry is to seek grave information with a

view to burial of ashes, please contact

the Churchwardens in the first place.

For other grave enquiries, in relation to

Family History, there is more

detailed information further below.

Just scroll right down .. .. ..


Parish Safeguarding Officer- 

Tel. No   01482 783143

We follow all Diocesan Safeguarding Protocols with regard to the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable adults.

For more details, load and read ....

 York Diocesan Safeguarding

Other Useful Links:-




Congratulations on your engagement and

your decision to get married in church.

We are happy to help you to commit

your lives to one another and to ask

God to bless your marriage.

Please contact our vicar,

The Revd Gloria Naylor,

for a Monday appointment. 

More information can be found by

clicking the WEDDINGS link

in the Menu

A Timetable of Weekly Events

held at St Mark's Church on Bellfield Ave

is now posted on the St Mark's page -

click in the menu

There is a map to assist visitors to Sutton ;

use the link on the MAP button

at the top of this page.

The Font

Our 12c Font

The Font Cover

Sir John de Sutton

1310 ~ 1357

Knight of The Realm ~ 

he fought at Crécy 1346

His grandaughter, Maud, married Lord William Hastings,

later 'Baron Hastings', friend

of Edward IV and victor of Towton Moor, where

William was created Baron

'in the field'

for his leadership in helping

to win that ferocious battle

for the King.

William Hastings was later beheaded, at very short notice whilst attending a Privy Council meeting in The Tower in 1483, on the orders of Richard III, supposedly for treason, and so he became the first such execution by beheading

on Tower Green.

I think Richard had him executed because he realised that William already knew

too much about

what was happening -

or about to happen -

to the 'Princes in The Tower'.

By his marriage to Maud, he had then inherited his wife's ancestral lands.

That is how we came to have a "Hastings Manor"

here in Sutton, east of the church, and roughly where Church Mount is today.

Here endeth the

history lesson.

Thank you for visiting our website. 

The warmest of welcomes awaits you

here at St James' Church.

People of all ages and from many walks of life are members of our church. Inspired and strengthened by God, we serve our community in many ways, sharing God’s love as Jesus taught us to do.

Our main Sunday service is Holy Communion at 10am,

on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the month.

Every 4th Sunday of the month there is

a Family Service at 10am. 

We are able to celebrate weddings, to offer baptism and to give thanks to God for a person’s life at a funeral,

to people living in our parish.

Baptisms are by arrangement with the Vicar

St James' is the historic church in Sutton-on-Hull, a Grade I Listed Building dating from 1349, which many people enjoy exploring when they visit the village.

Former residents, and many other people with

past family connections here, come here for special events in their lives, where St James' timeless history means a great deal to them.  Over the centuries,

our churchyard has been the burial place of

thousands of residents who's many descendants

are now sprinkled to the farthest corners of this earth.

For more details, including a map, please follow

the links at the top of the menu on the left.

Please note : the Church Office has closed:

best contact for information is to email the

The Churchwardens

*  *  *



is related to reseaching


and those seeking graveyard

details and photos.

If that is what you're looking for,

please, do read on:

a selection of photos may appear

down here from time to time.

For those seeking more information about the

history of St James' Church itself,

a brief history is provided on the

Sutton & Wawne Website

[or click on the Old School image]

Scroll down the left-hand menu and

click on the CHURCH HISTORY button

when you get there.

There is also a great deal more information about the

village and general area, including Wawne and our former historic

parish areas of Stoneferry, Wilmington and The Groves,

including a full list of graves in this churchyard.

This is where you will also find photos

and listings of all the names on our

War Memorial, as well as 14 CWGC War Graves

and 5 Family War Graves

in our churchyard.

It's the site to go to for local family history help.



Basic details of the locations of graves in the churchyard, and inscriptions on the stones and monuments, are held by the Family Historians in the Museum, inside the Old School (the former St James Cof E School). They can be viewed in their Monumental Inscription booklet, along with a basic churchyard map, on Fridays, 10am - 2pm.  These records  were compiled by volunteers and only date from the 1970s.  Even then, they only record the memorials that were still standing at that time, and so only on marked graves

More detailed information regarding the exact plot number of a grave, including those for which there has been no stone or memorial visible since the 1970s, can only be obtained in the Church Office, where the parish clerk has access to a more detailed plan with plot numbers for most internments back to the middle 1800s and since. But again, for very early burials, most records have been lost, and a search may not necessarily yield a positive result. 

There is a search fee payable for all such searches, the amount of which is laid down by the Diocese of York and is standard across all such churches, and over which neither the vicar nor the clerk has any discretion - no discounts, no deals.


However, most of the 1,700 gravestones and memorials that were recorded in the Monumental Inscription book, were photographed by Sutton photographer Bernard Sharp in several successive years from 2005 to about 2016.  The Museum holds a digital photo archive of most of those that were still reasonably readable, and not covered with ivy or undergrowth, etc, as sadly, many have become since. 

Again, on-screen photos can be seen on Fridays.  There is a list of names available on the Museum website; click the 'Churchyard' button and follow the links.   They also hold a small archive of all 14 CWGC war graves, and 5 family war graves that are part of the overall collection, and they are all visible for free on the  S&W MUSEUM WEBSITE.

A couple of sample photos are below.

note: The Sutton & Wawne Museum inside the Old School, just 200yds away nearer the old railway station,

opens on Fridays, 10am - 2pm. Click link above.

25 Church Street  Sutton on Hull  HU4 4TL  :: 

St James' is a parish of the

 Church of England in the Diocese of York