St James' Church Sutton-on-Hull

St James' is a church where Jesus is central, the Bible is our guide and every person is important

Wedding Banns

This information is intended primarily for those who

are not intending to get married at St James' Church,

but have been told that they must have their banns

read in this parish.

If you are getting married at St James' Church,

we will explain what you need to do.

The legal requirements mean that it is essential to establish that there is no legal obstacle to your marriage.

A minister will ask on three Sundays if anyone knows of

a legal reason that would prevent your marriage.

Normally this will happen at the 10.00am service.

The three main reasons why someone could

object to your getting married are :

  • You are married to someone already.
  • You are under 16, or under 18 and your parents don’t want you to get married.
  • You are closely related to one another.

After your banns have been read and no one has objected, you must collect a certificate.

The fee for this in 2012 was £34.

You must show this certificate to the person

who is conducting your wedding.

You are not legally allowed to get married

without this proof.

To arrange to have your Banns read please contact :

St James' Church Office on 703182

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